√BMW Gets First Batch Of Solid-State Batteries From Solid Power

BMW is heavily investing in sixth-generation batteries with round cells for the Neue Klasse platform but it’s already working on what will be a revolutionary breakthrough. Solid-state batteries are touted as being far superior to lithium-ion batteries thanks to a lighter construction and a smaller size. In addition, these have a much higher energy density to deliver a vastly improved range while supporting faster charging.

The German luxury automaker has promised to have a working prototype with solid-state batteries on the roads as early as 2025. Meanwhile, it has taken delivery of the first batch of cells from Solid Power for a demo car the supplier expects to serve as a “major proof for our technology.” It’s worth mentioning BMW isn’t the only one working with Solid Power as Ford is also interested in acquiring the hugely promising technology for future EVs.

BMW is building a prototype line for solid-state battery production in Pardsorf near Munich at the Cell Manufacturing Competence Center (CMCC). The demonstrator vehicle might actually arrive before the middle of the decade. Late last month, the facility manufactured the first batch of round battery cell samples ahead of 2025 when the first Neue Klasse EV will go into production.

If sixth-gen battery cells won’t cure your range anxiety, solid-state batteries should do the trick but you’re in for a long wait. Several automakers are eager to get their hands on these revolutionary batteries but a production EV is unlikely to come in the foreseeable future. Aside from the advantages mentioned earlier, these are also safer thanks to a solid structure reducing the risk of explosion or fire by not using a liquid electrolyte solution.

As previously announced, BMW projects at least half of its global sales will be represented by purely electric cars by the end of the decade or even sooner. MINI and Rolls-Royce have already revealed plans to go EV-only by around 2030. With that in mind, it’s no wonder the automotive conglomerate wants to speed up battery development, be they lithium-ion round cells or solid-state cells.

Source: Solid Power

Source: https://ift.tt/VAzMc1e

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